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Nazarene Israelite Two House Congregation of Port Elizabeth
About us
A picture is better than a thousand word
Statements of beliefs
Who are we?
Parashah 13 : Sh'mot 2025
Parashah 12 : Vayechi 2025
More on Vayechi
Parashah 11 : Vayigash 2025
Vayigash A coded mesasge many dimensions
Parashah 10 : Mikeitz 2024
Parashah 9 : Vayeshev 2024
Parashah 8 : Viyishlach 2024
Parashah 7 : Vayetze 2024
Parashah 6 : Tol-Dot 2024
Parashah 5 : Hayyei-Sarah 2024
Parashah 4 : Vayera2024
Parashah 3 : Lekh L'Kha2024
Parashah 2 : Noach 2024
Parashah 1 : B'resheet 2024
A call to repentance
Disclosing more truths
Disclosing more truths 1
Elohim's purpose with man
Elohim se doel met die mens
He opened their minds to understanding
Kingdom truths
Nazarene Judaism
Restoration Book
To the Law and to the testimony
Things Rav Shaul wrote that needs explan
Truths every Nazarene Israelite
Rediscover Two House Truths
When Israel and Judah get together
The Feast days of YHVH
European Christianity: Deceived house of
Nazasarene Jewish feastdays
Sukkot 2020
Sukkot 2021
Passover Ceremony
Feast of Weeks/Shavuot
Do we celebrate Passover or Easter
Counting the Omer 2021
First day of Unleavened bread 2020
The feast of Unleavened bread 2021
Last day of Unleavened Bread 2020
What was nailed to the cross
49 Steps
Yom Teruah : Feast of Trumpets
Order of events on Yom Teruah
Tashlich prayer
Blow the trumphet
Fall feastday lessons 2017
The day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)
The last Great 2021
476 Hear O Israel! Trumpet for the King
475 Haftarah companion Shabbat Chanukah
474 Fight, flight and Pray
473 The Roman Empire
472 Salvations, miracles and wonders
471 Perhaps peace and quiet overstated
470 Why is expecting Moshiach eternal
469 Christian atrocities revealed
468 What happens on Rosh Hoshana
467 Love your neighbor
466 Will any- us survice the tribulation
465 Gospel - restoration Commonwealth
464 Y'shua a Jewish Rabbi
463 Scriptural Prophecy reveals Messiah
462 The importance endtime work Elijah
461 What is the meaning Sermon on Mount
460 Why we need the Kingdom of Elohim
459 Why do we count the Omer
458 Meaning of Passover for first fruits
457 Do we celebrate Passover or Easter
456 Passover is about the deliverance
455 Torah protects true believers
454 Lessons to learn from life of Sarah
453 Two house restoration
452 What do you mean Egypt
451 The Hebrew Alphabet Code
450 Why did Elohim create us
449 The covenant with Elohim character
448 What is the significance of Wisdom
447 Repentance - What is it?
446 Messiah is coming soon
445 Freedom is a choice
444 Is the Hebrew calender Scriptural
443 Obedience to Elohim's commands makes
442 Headcoverings for men
441 Why does Elohim allows
440 Why do we need Yahshua
439 Me wear what
438 Understanding the Renewed Covenant
437 The first part of the book of Hebrew
436 What is prophesied happen Armaggedon
435 Does Torah conceal truth of Messiah
434 Who will be responsible for Esau's
433 What happens when we die
432 Elohim's Sabbath Rest
431 Elohim wil provide
430 The body of Messiah
429 Do not forsake assembling together
428 Faith is vitaly important- salvation
427 Will the world finally come to a end
426 The Spirit of Elija & end time work
425 The gospel fortold in the Zodiac
424 Is it possible to believe in Messiah
423 Why is it important to watch what
422 How close are we to the end of age
421 The Hebrew Alphabet code
420 Mind control
419 Are you a true disciple of Messiah?
418 When will He smack us?
417 Ancient Hebrew Wedding practices
416 The day of Atonement
415 Body, soul and spirit
414 Paradise or seventh heaven
413 Through Isaac your descendants shall
412 Replacement Theology and how to end
411 Conclusion from Ezekiel 38 & 39
409 Romans 11 in light of Torah
410 Terminology used by churchianity
408 The Mark of Elohim
407 Heavenly Father interested in detail
406 Let's talk about Angels
405 Hear Israel the trumpet for the King
404 Important lesson from King Hezekiah
403 Important lesson from Nehemiah
402 Important lessons from Daniel
401 Important prophecies Major prophets
400 Important lesson from David King
399 A lesson t learn from ancient Israel
398 Pentacost/Shavuot
397 How will Elohim's Kingdom administer
396 Freedom is a choice
395 Paradise or seventh heaven
394 Daily Omer meditation
393 Let us prepare to return
392 Ancient Hebrew wedding practices
391 The sin of double mindedness
390 The promise for the Firstborn
389 The Passover
388 Is it possible survive Tribulation
387 do you understand the true Gospel
386 Immersion and the Passover
385 Will we be accepted when Messiah ret
384 Yahshua speaks about 2 house restore
383 Will there be rapture before Messiah
382 Why is prayer important in our lives
381 What mean to be disciple of Messiah
380 YHVH Raphechah
379 Immersion
378 What is the way of Cain
377 Born on Sukkot
376 Pharisees
375 On the verge of eternity
374 Gate of Heaven
373 What is the significance of Sabbatic
372 How to study scripture 2
371 How to study scripture 1
370 What is ahead of Messiah's return
369 what do we need to know about the
368 What shall I do to inherit eternal
367 When will Israel & Judah get togethe
366 We need to qualify
365 What is faith
364 Who is your Elohim
363 What is the wages of sin
362 Blow the trumpets for the King
361 Why do we keep the Feast days
360 Are we Nazarene first fruits
359 What can we learn from Jacob
358 Why were you bo born
357 Stone of destiny
356 Repentance - what is it?
355 The sin of doublemindedness
354 Hashem 7000 year plan of salvationio
353 The truth about the covenant 2
352 The truth about the covenants 1
351 The new or renewed covenant in Torah
350 Havayah - TheEternal
349 How did all the confusion in Church
348 Kiss the Son
347 Corrective punishment 1
346 What is the way of Cain (Revisited)
345 Living stones 1
344 The book of Ruth
343 The Scripture is the foundation to
342 The scriptural approach to learning
341 What is normal 2
340 Are we Nazarene first fruit Bikkurim
339 Are we like all the Jews in bondage
338 Problems the house of Israel need to
337 Jacob and Esau
336 What is the truth about judgement1
335 The passover for returnees
334What means to led by Set Apart Spirit
333 Motivation for Passover & Omer
332 A lesson about angels
331 Body, soul & spirit (updated)
330 Messiah speaks about 2 house restore
329 Redemption of the first born
328 Has Jacobs trouble started
327 Watch what you say!
326 Who of what controls your mind
325HaShem's Set Apart Days versus Pagan
324 Why was the world formless and void
323 An analisys of Ezekiels prophecies
322 Deep seated reasons for eating koshe
321 The Fall of Babylon the Great
320 What is Servant leadership 1
319 Are you thankful for being called
318 HaShem our healer
317 Yahshua a Jewish Rabbi
316 What time is it?
315 Respect for Elohim
314 Most of the descendant of European
313 Return to YHVH, return to David
312 The Last Great Day 2020
311 Mysticism
310 Beware of the Root of Bitterness
309 What is meant by a shadow
308 Elohim's purpose will come fruition
307 What is faith
306 The Feast of Tabernacles 2020
305 Why do we keep feast days of Elohim
304 How could the world be deceived
303 Teshuvah - Its about time!
302 David like Abraham scriptural person
301 Once called we should not turn back
300 Come out of her midst to be sepate
299 Does it make a difference to Elohim
298 Blow the Trumpet
297 Torah is the garment of the soul and
296 Marriage is a partnership
295 Do you believe the Scripture
294 What is man's destiny?
293 Isaiah summary of the Scriptures 1
292 Scriptural prophecy reveals Messiah
291 A new beginning
290 Why we house of Israel need Yahshua
289 Why does a day begin in the evening
288 Do you truly believe
287 Restoration of Two House of Israel
286 When will the world come to an end
285 Will Messiah know you at His return
284 Do you believe the rapture
283 Lets unmask the influene of Greek
282 Elohim looked into Torah and created
281 Are you concerned with sins i Israel
280 Ancient Hebrew wedding practices
279 Are we Nazarene first fruits
278 What happens in the hereafter
277 The Meaning of Passover for called
276 What does freedom in Messiah mean
275 How should believers in Messiah live
274 Do you conform to the image of El
273 The Temple of Elohim
272 It is time to come out of Babylon
271 The Gospel foretold in the Zodiac
270 Circumcision
269 Counseling for candidates required
268 It is time to truly return to YHVH
267 Does the thought of death make you
266 The Two Messiahs
265 Compromise?
264 Are we there yet
263 Time for the house of Isr...
262 A time to celebrate time to remember
261 Belief in Yahshua the Messiah
260 How important is Moses in the life
259 I am who I am
258 Ten utterances referred to as the
257 Let's continuing the work with renew
256 How do we choose the right teacher
255 Warning to shepherds
254 Why do we keep the feasts of Elohim
253 You shall not put YHVH to the test
252 How do we know that we are Elohim's
251 HaShem's Tallit and the Two Houses
250 Those who disobey Tora are cursed
249 Re-establishment of Common wealth
248 Why and how to study Torah
247 What did Yahshua mean when He said
246 Headcoverings discussed ...
245 Ezekiels vision of our time & after
244 Is it too late to return to Elohim
243 What is our job functions as Nazaren
242 Obedience
241 The importance of minding...
240 Why Nazarene Israelites wear
239 Administration of Kingdom...
238 Why is our world descending in chaos
237 Our need for Messiah
236 The importance of taking the end
235 Where to from here?
234 Our fathers in the faith were promi
233 The truth shall set you free
232 Who or what is the mark of the beast
231 The feast of the first fr...
230 Ancient Hebrew wedding practices
229 How close are we the end of age
228 YHVH is a jealous Elohim
227 You shall love YHVH your Elohim
226 We are living stones
225We are about to enter Jacob's trouble
224 A destruction is determine overflow
223 The passover for returnees
222 Immersion and Passover
221 How important is our return to YHVH?
220 What do we need to know about Angels
219 The Tabernacle of David w...
218 Why do we need the Kingdo...
217 Is it possible to determine when the
216 Do you believe that Elohim provide?
215 Why does mankind suffer?
214 Are we teaching Scriptura...
213 How are we from the lost sheep of th
212 The congregations o Elohim
211What are the weak and wort...
210 Lets believe in the one whom YHVH
209 What is servant leadership
208 We are to become first bo...
207 The promise to Abraham revisited
206 People do not believe in Scriptures
205 What did Yahshua our Messiah have to
204 Why regular Torah study i...
203 What is the reward of sin...
202 Elohim’s purpose for mank...
201 It is time to return to the covenant
200 Pollutions of Idols Acts 15
199 Galations 5
198 Abraham's offspring, heirs according
197 Disagreements among likemind believe
196 Mankind's quest or freedom
195 Guidelines to Scripture study
194 The seven congregations of Revelatio
193 Important prophecies of the prophets
192 How did all the confusion in Church
191 Do we follow Messiah's lead
190 The last Great Day
189 YHVH our Elohim's Tallit and
188 The mystery of the Mezuzah to pg 7
187 What does it mean to be under the
186 Me, wear what?
185 When will the whole world be called
184 Why do we keep the Feast days
183 The Hebrew Calender is based on
182 How will peace be establish on earth
181 Blow the Trumpet
180 Faith in the true gospel leads to
179 To whom would He teach knowledge
178 What is meant by Jacob's trouble
177 Elohims covenant with Israel leads
176 The covenant with Elohim is all abou
175 Do not look behind you
174 What should be our vision
173 Trust and obey there is no other way
172 Messiah our High Priest and Mediator
171 The book of Ephesians expounded
170 To which faith did Messiah belong
169 Obedience to Elohim's commands
168 Is there more than one way to salvat
167 What is prophesied to happen before
166 The re-gathering of Israel
165 Joshua meets the future Yahshua
164 The truth about Galations 4 revisit
163 Pentacost
162 How many of us will be accepted when
161 The month of Iyar
160 What is Messiah's commission
159 Understanding the renewed covenant
158 Root of bitterness
157 What is normal
156 What is prophesied to happen next
155 Why is Messiah's ressurection
154 Do you follow Messiah our example
153 Why we sin and how to overcome
152 Nazarene Jewish Passover
151 Our need for Yahshua our Messiah
150 How the two House and Messiah link
149 Agents of Satan
148 What value do you place on Scripture
147 The eternal priesthood
146 Father please deliver us from exile
145 Heart health
144 What is in it for me?
143 What are the mysteries
142 It is time for the house of Israel
141 Do you ever feel rejected
140 Will Yahshua our Messiah return?
139 Let's return to YHVH our Elohim
138 Why are some people hell bent -
137 Why is prayer important in our lives
136 Are we in bondage to Elohim?
135 Do you know your way to peace & pros
134 What does it mean to be a disciple
133 Do you sigh and groan for all abomi
132 An important lesson to learn from
131 What is prophesied at Armagedd
130 Day of Atonement
129 Do you respect Elohim?
128 Yom Teruah - The Feast of Trumpets
127 What is meant by judgement in script
126 Do we go to heaven after death
125 Is there more than 1 day 2
124 What is hell
123 Is there more than 1 day of salvatio
122 The Gospel of the Kingdom of Elohim
121 What does it mean to be born again 2
120 What does it mean to be born again 1
119 The prophecies of minor Prophects
118 Will there be survivors on the tribu
117 What does redemption into the Renewe
116 Are you perpetuating the lie of Sant
115 The missing key
114 Let us prepare to return to covenant
113 How did the Jews remain loyal
112 The Hebrew Alphabet code
111 Messiah came to show how to became
110 What is the meaning of the Sermon
109 What does returning to YHVH entail
108 Teachers in the house of Israel are
107 What are the Oracles of Elohim
106 Last day of Unleavened bread
105 The body of Messiah
104 Preparing for Messiahs Memorial Pass
103 The Stone the builders reject
102 Proof that the Jews of today is Jud
101 Born on Sukkot
100 Who will ultimately be responsible
99 What happens to us after death Prt 2
98 What happens to us after death Prt 1
97 Factors keep Ephraim and Juda apart
96 What is the work of Elohim
95 Does Torah conceal truth of Messiah
94 Commonwealth of Israel
93 Two house restoration
92 All things are lawful, but not all
91 Replacement theology
90 What was the purpose of creation
89 Amidah
88 So endow us graciously from Yourself
87 But a body Thou hast prepare for me
86 Is this the only time during which ma
85 What must we do to obtain eternal lif
84 The Scriptures and Prophecy
83 Why were you born?
82 The original condition of Adam before
81 The last day of unleavened...
80 The fear of YHVH
79 Double Mindednes
78 The Renewed Covenant was in the Torah
77 The Feast of Tabenacles 2016
76 Is the Hebrew Calender based
75 Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement
74 What did Messiah mean when He said
73 Feast of trumpets
72 Hear, O Israel The trumpet for King
71 Who or what is or was Yahshua
70 Why our ladies cover their heads
69 Head coverings for men
68 Deep seated reasons for eating kosher
67 Is it possible to believe in Yashua
66 The true gospel is about
65 What do scriptures mean
64 Stone of destiny
63 What is the difference between clean
62 Does Romans 7:1-6 set us free f Torah
61 Are we like Jews in bondage to Elohi
60 The Kingdom of Elohim
59 Jacob & Esau
58 The house of Elohim
57 Our heavenly Father is an Elohim inte
56 Why does YHVH El allow humans to suf
55 Are we part of the one faith spoken
54 Israel: From Abraham
53 From Passover to Pentacost the Heaven
52 Commitment
51 Mysticism
50 Are you thankful for being called
49 Falsehood versus truth
48 Born again?
47 The last day of unleavened bread
46 Body, Soul and Spirit
45 The First day of unleavened bread
44 The Scriptural approach to learning
43 Preparing Messiah's memorial Pasover
42 Counting the Omar
41 How do we ensure that we wear wedding
40 The restoration of two house Israel
39Jacob's trouble (or great tribulation)
38 Would you like to live forever?
37 The truth about the covenants Elohim
36 The two resurrections in Ezekiel 37
35 The book of Hebrews explained!
34 The book of Ruth
33 What do you mean, Egypt?
32 The Roman Empire
31 You are elohim
30 The house of Judah as Lawgiver
29 The importance of the Sabbath day
28How will the Kingdom of Elohim benefit
27 What shall I do to inherit eternal l
26Kislev, the ninth month on the Hebrew
25 Gate of heaven
24 Do you accept Messiah as your savior
23 Do you truly believe
22 Deception?
21 Corrective punishment
20We are embassadors for another kingdom
19 Love your neighbor
18 Satan author of confusion
17 The feast of weeks
16 The great falling away
15 The Olivet prophesy Yahshua Messiah
14Will mankind eventually find solution?
13 Will there be a second exodus?
12 Blind leading the blind
11 How do we as Messiah's bride prepare
10 Come out from their midst
9 The mark of the beast
8 YHVH Raphechah
7 Teshuvah - it is about time!
6 Are you for us or for our ad aversarie
5 Did Elohim create Satan the devil?
4 What is man?
3 Why do we need teachers
2 How will Elohims kingdom be administer
1 Paradise or seventh heaven
Are spiritual Shadows outdated
Deep deep trouble
The truth about X-mas
Torah protect true believers
Why is mankind waxing worse
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But a body Thou hast prepare for me
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