
Nazarene Israelite Two House Congregation of Port Elizabeth
What it means to be led by the Set-apart Spirit.
Before we can talk about the Set-apart Spirit of G-d, it is necessary to explain what it is, because of the many misconceptions about it in the religions of the world. First of allwe need to understand why there are so many misconceptions about what constitutes the Set-apart Spirit or the RuachHaKodesh as it is transliterated in Hebrew. One reason why Christianity misunderstands the Oneness of G-d, is because the early church fathers made a cursory study of Jewish Kabbalah (even though they rejected Torah since they believe J*e*s*u*s* kept it for them) and as a result these church fathers came up with the doctrine of the so-called trinity, despite the fact that Jewish Rabbi’s teach Jewish believers not to dabble in Kabballah until they studied Torah for at least forty years.Nevertheless, Ialso believe that it is because some Messianic Jews/Israelites and like-minded believers in Messiah such as the Churches of G-d and the Assemblies of Y-H-V-H either totally rejected or have never heard of Kabbalah, they misinterpreted G-d’s Set-apart Spirt simply to be the power of G-d.
The two words Set-apart simply means to be consecrated or holy. Now the only way in which we as human beings or Israelites can be holy or consecrated is if we keep or obey G-d’s commandments, including eating food set-apart for human consumption by Him. It is for this very reason that we read from both Leviticus 11: 44 and Leviticus 19: 2 in this regardsrespectively:‘For I am HaShem your G-d. Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy; for I am holy. And you shall not make yourselves unclean with any of the swarming things that swarm on the earth.’ And in (19: 2), “Speak to all the congregation of the sons of Israel and say to them, ‘You shall be holy, for I HaShem your G-d am holy.’”) It is in Leviticus 11 where G-d tells us what to eat and in Leviticus 19 He tells us how to live as set-apart people who are preparing to meet the bridegroom when He comes to establish G-d’s Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.It is for this reason that Rav Kepha wrote to returnees from the house of Israel in 1 Peter 1: 10 - 16, saying: ‘As to this salvation, the prophets who prophesied of the grace that would come to you made careful search and inquiry, (11) seeking to know what person or time the Spirit of Messiah within them was indicating as He predicted the sufferings of Messiah (ben Joseph) and the glories to follow. (12) It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves, but you, in these things which now have been announced to you through those who preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven--things into which angels long to look. (13) Therefore, gird your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Messiah ben David. (14) As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, (15) but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; (16) because it is written, “YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY.”Hecontinues to inform us that sinceG-d has granted us His promises we may become partakers of His Set-apart Spirit (or His G-d’s divine nature) in 2 Peter 1: 2 - 7, saying: ‘Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of G-d and Y’shua our Master; (3) seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. (4) For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, in order that by them you might become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust. (5) Now for this very reason also, applying all diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence, and in your moral excellence, knowledge; (6) and in your knowledge, self-control, and in your self-control, perseverance, and in your perseverance, godliness; (7) and in your godliness, brotherly kindness, and in your brotherly kindness, love.’
As believers we also understand that if we do physical things to show our faith in the One and only G-d, we will inherit eternal life as confirmed in the second part of the Shema given in Deuteronomy 11: 13 - 21 (Siddur), as follows: ‘And it shall be that if you earnestly hearken My commandments which I command you today, to love HaShem your G-d and serve Him with all your heart and with all your life, (14) then I will give you the rain for your land in its season, the early rain and the latter rain, that you may gather in your grain, your new wine and your oil. (15)And I will send grass in your fields for your livestock that you may eat and be satiated. (16) Guard yourselves, lest your heart be seduced and you turn aside and serve other gods and prostrate to them,(17) lestHashem’s anger be aroused against you and He shut up the heavens so that there be no rain and the land yield no produce and you perish quickly from the good land which HaShem is giving you. (18) Therefore you shall place these words of mine upon your heart and in your life and bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be tefillin between your eyes. (19) You shall teach them to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise up. (20) And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates, (21) that your days and the days of your children may be multiplied in the land of which HaShem swore to your fathers to give them, like the days of the heavens above the earth.’
Another reasonwhy some say the Set-apart Spirit is the power of G-d, is because of misreading 1 Corinthians 2: 4 & 5, as follows: ‘And my message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, (5) that your faith should not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of G-d.’ Let’s consider how these verses could lead believers to assume that the Set-apart Spirit is the power of G-d. Most students of the Scriptures are aware of the principle that we should allow the Scriptures to interpret the Scriptures;where we read all the relevant Scriptures on a specific subject, before coming to a final conclusion. Let’s therefore start our analysis by reading from 1 Corinthians 1: 22 – 24, where Rav Shaul began discussing the subject, saying:‘For indeed Jews ask for signs, and Greeks search for wisdom; (23) but we preach Messiah (ben Joseph) crucified, to Jews a stumbling block, and to Gentiles foolishness, (24) but to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks, Messiah the power of G-d and the wisdom of G-d.’ So we see that it is only the ones that G-d has called, who understand that Messiah is the power of G-d. The realitythat Messiah is the power of G-d is confirmed in Jeremiah 32: 17, where we read: ‘Ah HaShemG-d! Behold, Thou hast made the heavens and the earth by Thy great power and by Thine outstretched arm! Nothing is too difficult for Thee.’ A third witness comes from Jeremiah 51: 15, in this way: ‘It is He who made the earth by His power, who established the world by His wisdom, and by His understanding He stretched out the heavens.’ This is further confirmed in Isaiah 11: 1 & 2, as follows: ‘Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse, and a branch from his roots will bear fruit. (2) And the Spirit of HaShem will rest on Him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and strength (power), the spirit of knowledge and the fear of HaShem.’
Even though the opponents to Kabbalah will deny its existence, it can be found throughout the Tanach, but also the Ketuvim HaNasarimlike a golden thread. The concept is first mentioned in Exodus 6: 6 where HaShem tells Moses, saying: “Say, therefore, to the sons of Israel, ‘I am HaShem, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will deliver you from their bondage, I will also redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgments.’” We read a second witness to this, where HaShem talks to Pharaoh by the mouth of Moses in Exodus 9: 15 & 16, saying: “For if by now I had put forth My hand and struck you and your people with pestilence, you would then have been cut off from the earth. (16) But, indeed, for this cause I have allowed you to remain, in order to show you My power, and in order to proclaim My name through all the earth.”We also see that after the Israelites finally left Egypt and because of yet another miracle during which HaShem allowed the Israelites to pass through the Red Sea dry shod and let the Egyptians drown in the sea, Moses and the sons of Israel sang the song recorded in Exodus 15. We will only touch on the applicable verses of the song, namely verses 2, 6, 12 and 13 to highlight the topic under discussion, as follows: “HaShem is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation; this is my G-d, and I will praise Him; my father’s G-d, and I will extol Him. (6) “Thy right hand, O HaShem, is majestic in power, Thy right hand, O HaShem shatters the enemy. (12) Thou didst stretch out Thy right hand, the earth swallowed them. (13) In Thy lovingkindness Thou hast led the people whom Thou hast redeemed; in Thy strength Thou hast guided them to Thy set-apart habitation.” We read similar words to these from Psalm 98: 1 – 3, in this way: ‘O sing to HaShem a new song, for He has done wonderful things, His right hand and His holy arm have gained the victory for Him. (2) HaShem has made known His salvation; He has revealed His righteousness in the sight of the nations. (3) He has remembered His lovingkindness and His faithfulness to the house of Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our G-d.’
We continue with the study of the arm of HaShem mentioned in Jeremiah 32: 17 and spoken about in Isaiah by reading from verse 1 of Isaiah 53, as follows:‘Who has believed our message? And to whom has the arm of HaShem been revealed?’ This is an important question, since most people do not understand who the arm of HaShem is. However, when reading the entire 53rd chapter of Isaiah, we come to understand that it is talking about Messiah ben Joseph, especially when reading verses 5 & 6, as follows: ‘But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the chastening for our wellbeing fell upon Him, and by His scourging we are healed. (6) All of us like sheep have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; but HaShem has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on Him.’ Most believers in Messiah are aware that the house of Judah do not acknowledge the identity of Messiah ben Joseph at this time, as is confirmed in John 12: 37 – 40, in this way: ‘But though He had performed so many signs before them, yet they were not believing in Him; (38) that the word of Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, which he spoke, “HASHEM, WHO HAS BELIEVED OUR REPORT? AND TO WHOM HAS THE ARM OF HASHEM BEEN REVEALED?” (39) For this cause they could not believe, for Isaiah said again, (40) “HE HAS BLINDED THEIR EYES, AND HE HARDENED THEIR HEART; LEST THEY SEE WITH THEIR EYES, AND PERCEIVE WITH THEIR HEART, AND BE CONVERTED, AND I HEAL THEM.” But we are also aware that both houses of Israel are blinded at this time; whereas the house of Judah do not acknowledge Messiah ben Joseph’s identity; the house of Israel, mostly to be found amongst the Christians in the western world is blinded tothe gospel of the coming Kingdom of G-d.
Most people who study Kabbalah can relate to the two arms spoken about in the first part of Deuteronomy 33: 27, in this way: “The eternal G-d is a dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms.” Even though the attributes of the eternal, immortal, invisibleG-d whom no man has seen or can see (as per 1 Timothy 1: 17 & 6: 16), is depicted in Kabbalah as ten attributes (Sefirot) set-out as three supernal lights, it is also depicted in the form of a man known as the Adman Kadmon or image of G-d. As the two arms of the image of G-d, the right arm is referred to as the power or severity (transliterated as Gevurah in Hebrew) and the left arm as mercy or kindness (transliterated as Chesed in Hebrew). Rav Shaul also referred to these two attributes in Romans 11: 22, saying; ‘Behold then the kindness and severity of G-d; to those who fell severity, but to you, G-d’s kindness, if you continue in His kindness; otherwise you also will be cut off.’ He further speaks about thesame in 2 Corinthians 6: 6 & 7, saying: ‘In purity, in knowledge, in patience, in kindness, in the Set-apart Spirt, in genuine love, (7) in the word of truth, in the power of G-d; by the weapons of righteousness for the right hand and the left.’ In the model prayer that Messiah ben Joseph taught His disciples in Matthew 6 concludes in the second part of verse 13, saying: ‘For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the (Shekinah) glory, forever. Amein.’But before we belabor the point let’sget back to the quoted section from 1 Corinthians 2: 4 & 5 earlier.We see that verse 4 concludes with the words ‘the Spirit and of power’ and verse 5 with the words ‘the power of G-d.’ Having read from 1 Corinthians 1: 22 – 24, and by letting the Scriptures interpret the Scriptures, we come to see that verse 4 is talking about both the Set-apart Spirit and the power of G-d, and verse 5 is telling us that our faith should not rest upon the wisdom of men, but on the power of G-d namely Messiah ben Joseph. Even though Jeremiah 32: 17 tells us that HaShem made the heavens and the earth by His Great Power and outstretched arm, we read from the first part of Psalm 33: 6, ‘By the word of HaShem the heavens were made.’ Messiah ben Joseph is therefore referred to in the Scriptures as the power, the wisdom, the word and the right hand of HaShem. Even so, for those who remain doubtful, the problem should be resolved by John 1: 1 -3, in this way: ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with G-d, and the Word was G-d. (2) He was in the beginning with G-d. (3) All things came into being by Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.’
But, let us get to the subject at hand, namely: What it means to be led by the Set-apart Spirit or Divine Nature of G-d, as may be understood by reading from 2 Peter 1: 4.As believers we are aware that in addition to man’s body of flesh, he also has a spirit in himas witnessed in numerous Scriptures, one of which being in Zechariah 12: 1, in this way: “The burden of the word of HaShem concerning Israel. Thus declares HaShem who stretches out the heavens, lays the foundation of the earth, and forms the spirit of man within him.” Because man is a created being he is like all the created animals,a living creature or soul. Man’s soul or life is so intertwined with the spirit in him, that the way he lives, is reflected by the spirit within him. It is for this reason that we read from Hebrews 4: 12, ‘For the word of G-d is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.’ Once returnees called by G-d to come out of the religions of the world, repent and are immersed in Messiah ben Joseph’s name, they are given a portion of G-d’s Set-apart Spirit as a deposit as witnessed in Ephesians 1: 13 & 14, in this way:‘In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation— having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Set-apart Spirit of promise, (14) who is given as a pledge of our inheritance, with a view to the redemption of G-d’s own possession, to the praise of His glory.’From that point forward the immersed person’s life should begin to reflect the Set-apart Spirit in him and we should begin to see the fruits of the Spirit reflected in the way he lives his daily life.
Believers in Messiah ben Joseph are commanded to observe the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot) or Pentecost once every year. When celebrating this festival of G-d, we remember one of the greatest events in the history of ancient Israel, fifty days after they left Egypt and arrived at Mount Sinai where G-d gave them His commandments, statutes and judgments. Shavuot is therefore a commemoration of the awesome event experienced by the children of Israel seven weeks after theirExodus from Egypt when they camped at the foot of Mount Sinai. This was when G-d’s will was revealed to Israel. The events preceding this time, namely the Exodus of Israel from slavery, the death of the first born in Egypt, the crossing of the Red Sea, the giving of the manna as well as the giving of the commandments, were miracles which had an enormous impact on the history of Israel. However, the Feast of Weeks or Pentecost also reminds us as believers in Messiah, that this was also the day in 31 CE after Messiah ben Joseph’s ascension to heaven when the Set-apart Spirit was given to believers, just as He promised in John 16: 7, 13 & 14, saying: “But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper shall not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.(13) But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. (14) He shall glorify Me; for He shall take of Mine, and shall disclose it to you.”
The Feast of Pentecost is a celebration of both these events, but also that G-d works in each one of us through His Spirit that indwells us. It is only by the indwelling of the Set-apart Spirit that we are able to change the way we lived in the past and start obeying G-d. When we study the Scriptures and by reviewing what happened on that first Pentecost after Messiah ben Joseph’s ascension, we find the beginnings of these miracles. We read Messiahben Joseph’s instructions to His disciples before His ascension in Acts 1: 8, saying: “But you shall receive power (courage) when the Set-apart Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem,and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” This promise was fulfilled eight days after His ascension to heaven on the Day of Pentecost, as recorded in Acts 2: 1. Rav Kepha concluded his sermon for the Pentecost service that day as recorded in Acts 2: 38 & 39, saying: “Repent, and let each of you be immersed in the name of Yahshua Messiah for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Set-apart Spirit. (39) For the promise is for you and your children, and for all who are far off (returning Israelites of the lost ten tribes and not Jews),as many as HaShem our G-d shall callto Himself (note: we immerse only those whom HaShem callsand not those we would like to convert).” After the physical manifestations described in Acts 2, we find the Set-apart Spirit descending on a large group of people. It changed their lives (souls) dramatically reflecting the Spirit of G-d (which has now merged with the spirits in them) in their lives.
The book of Acts are full of the accounts of these people’s lives and the impact they had on the world at that time. The way in which their lives were changed, ‘have upset the world’ as recorded in Acts 17: 6.The question is as we asked at the beginning: what does it mean to be led by the Set-apart Spirit? This is explained in detail by Rav Shaul in Romans 8 where he shows the reason why we need G-d’s Spirit, but also how the Spirit works in the life of a believer. He summarizes these two beliefs in verses 11& 14, saying: ‘But if the Spirit of Him who raised Messiah ben Joseph from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Messiah ben Joseph from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who indwells you. (14) For all who are being led by the Spirit of G-d, these are sons of G-d.”From this we see that a true believer is one who is being led by the Spirit (or very nature) of G-d now indwelling him/her. The implication of this is, that through G-d’s Spirit that indwells us, we accomplish what we do as believers (Sabbath keeping, eating Kosher foods and giving freewill offerings), rather than through our own efforts. But, it is not enough to be led by G-d’s Spirit. We must also allow G-d to rule in our lives, through His Spirit. We need to continually ask ourselves if we are truly being led by G-d’s Spirit, or does our own human nature still sometimes come to the fore.
G-d’s Spirit is His divine nature which leads us and helps us to truly be the light to a dying world and like salt influence the people around us. It is as Yahshua told His disciples in Matthew 5: 14 & 16, saying: “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. (16) Let your light (or example) shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” What does G-d’s Spirit do for believers in Messiah? This is a very important question in the life of a believer, because without G-d’s Spirit in our lives we would have no relationship with the Father. It is because of the Spirit in us that we will one day be resurrected as Spiritual children of G-d, as Rav Shaul wrote in Romans 8: 15 – 17, saying: ‘For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, “Avinu! Father!” (16) The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of G-d, (17) and if children, heirs also, heirs of G-d and fellow heirs with Messiah, if indeed we suffer with Him in order that we may also be glorified (or exalted) with Him.’ It is important to understand that being led by the Spirit of G-d, does not mean thatG-d forces us to do what we do not want to do – no, it means that G-d leads us through the indwelling of His Spirit. Even so, it will not prevent us from sinning, nor will it force us to do what is right. It leads us and we need to follow.
G-d’s spirit works with our minds where we make decisions and record in our memories G-d-like character, through the correct actions and decisions we make. Rav Yochanan describes this in 1 John 3: 24, saying: ‘And the one who keeps His commandments abides in Him, and He in him. And we know by this that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us.’ The Set-apart Spirit in us provides a deeper understanding of G-d’s word and His will for us, as Rav Shaul wrote in 1 Corinthians 2: 9 – 11, saying: ‘But just as it is written, “THINGS WHICH EYE HAS NOT SEEN AND EAR HAS NOT HEARD, AND which HAVE NOT ENTERED THE HEART OF MAN, ALL THAT G-D HAS PREPARED FOR THOSE WHO LOVE HIM.” (10) For to us G-d revealed them through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of G-d. (11) For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit (or nature) of the man, which is in him? Even so the thoughts of G-d no one knows except the Spirit of G-d.’Without the Spirit of G-d, a person cannot understand G-d’s expressed will and word for us. Rav Shaul wrote about this in verse 14 of 1 Corinthians 2, saying: ‘But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of G-d; for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.’ The Set-apart Spirit helps us overcoming those sins which so beset us and there is nothing too difficult for us with G-d’s Spirit working in our lives, as Rav Shaul wrote in Romans 8: 26 & 27, saying: ‘And in the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; (27) and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of G-d.’
Messiah ben Joseph promised His followers in Matthew 19: 26, saying: “With men this is impossible, but with G-d all things are possible.” A believer’s life is one of overcoming – we need to understand that G-d does not want us to remain as we were the day He called us. Instead we must be‘transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of G-d is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect’ as per Romans 12: 2. It is as Messiah ben Joseph said in John 16: 8, “And He (the Spirit of G-d), when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin, and righteousness, and judgment.” G-d’s Spirit within us, working with our conscience minds (or spirit), helps us to recognize and avoid sin. It makes us feel guilty, when we want to do the wrong thing and in that way prompt us not to sin.We read from Hebrews 9: 14, ‘How much more will the blood of Messiah(ben Joseph), who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to G-d, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living G-d?’Messiah ben Joseph’s sacrifice washes the sin in our lives away, but we must repent before we are forgiven, since repentance means change and an effort to avoid sin. The Set-apart Spirit of G-d interacts with our spirits and helps us to produce the fruits of the Spirit in our lives. These are listed in Galatians 5: 22 & 23, as follows: ‘But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, (23) gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.’
As promised by Messiah ben Joseph the Set-apart Spirit will comfort and encourage us. We need not therefore be overly concerned about the future or what may happen to us, as Rav Shaul also explained in Romans 8: 28, saying: ‘And we know that G-d causes all things to work together for good to those who love G-d, to those who are called according to His purpose.’ Nevertheless, we need to be ever mindful of Rav Shaul’s warning to the Ephesians in Ephesians 5: 6 - 18, saying: ‘Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of G-d comes upon the sons of disobedience. (7) Therefore do not be partakers with them; (8) for you were formerly darkness, but now you are light in the Master; walk as children of light (9) (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth), (10) trying to learn what is pleasing to the Master. (11) And do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; (12) for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret. (13) But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light. (14)For this reason it says, “Awake, sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Messiah will shine on you.”(15)Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise, (16) making the most of your time, because the days are evil. (17)So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Master is. (18)And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit.’ One day when Messiah comes to rule the world from Jerusalem, what is written in verse 14 above will come true for Ephraimand they will be saved, as also witnessed in Psalm 80: 1 - 3, as follows: ‘Oh, give ear, Shepherd of Israel, Thou who dost lead Joseph like a flock; Thou who are enthroned above the cherubim, shine forth! (2) Before Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasseh, stir up Thy power, and come to save us! (3)O G-d, restore us, and cause Thy face to shine upon us, and we will be saved.’
Even though it is possible for a true believer to become discouraged, it is through the Set-apart Spirit that we can begin to look at life differently. We should be extremely thankful, knowing that G-d is still working in our lives through His Set-apart Spirit. Slowly but surely our human natures are being changed to reflect G-d’s Divine Nature (or Spirit) in our lives. The greatest miracle is yet to come when the Spirit of G-d, who raised Messiah from the dead, will also one day in the near futuregive life to our mortal bodies through His Set-apart Spirit who indwells us. Hallelujah!