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Elohim’s purpose with man.


     Chapter                                                                                           Page

1. What does it mean to be ‘Born Again’ 1?                                         4

2. What does it mean to be ‘Born Again’ 2?                                       10

3. The Gospel of the Kingdom of Elohim.                                           16

4. Did Elohim create Satan the devil?                                                 23

5. Do we go the heaven at death?                                                       30

6. What is hell?                                                                                      38

7. What is meant by judgment in the Scriptures?                             46

8. Is there more than one day of Salvation 1?                                   52

9. Is there more than one day of Salvation 2?                                   59

10. What is man’s destiny?                                                                  66

Bibliography and contact details of publisher.                                  74

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