Nazarene Israelite Two House Congregation of Port Elizabeth
1. The body of Messiah. 4
2. What are the oracles of Elohim? 12
3. Teachers in the house of Israel are warned. 19
4. What does returning to YHVH entail? 27
5. What is the meaning of the Sermon on the Mount? 34
6. Messiah came to show us how to become children of Elohim. 41
7. The Hebrew Alphabet code. 48
8. How did the Jews remain loyal to YHVH for more than 3500 years? 56
9. The missing key. 62
10. Shavuot 2017. 69
11. What does redemption into the Renewed Covenant mean? 77
12. Let us prepare to return to the covenant with YHVH and to join the house Of Judah. 84
Bibliography and contact details of publisher. 91
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