
Nazarene Israelite Two House Congregation of Port Elizabeth
Father please deliver us from our exile.
Father when our forefathers were in exile in Egypt and cried to You for help, You heed their cry and brought them out from the land of Egypt, delivering them from the power of the Egyptians. We are totally aware that You scattered us, the lost sheep of the house of Israel, into the nations of the world because of idolatry. We absolutely deserve the punishment you are meeting out against us, but beg that you be merciful to us. In addition, we know that because we as ‘so-called’ Christians have been in captivity by Esau under the guise of the Roman Catholic Church for the past 1800 years, since we lost our original culture, language, religion and even our identity as the house of Israel.
Some of us became aware of Messiah’s main purpose as prophesied by the prophets in the Tanach to bring the lost sheep of the house of Israel back to the covenant that we made with Elohim (as witnessed among other in Jeremiah 31: 10 & 11[1]), together with the house of Judah at Mount Sinai, during the past ten to fifteen years. We also came to the understanding that this is in fact one of the two main identifying signs or functions the house of Judah expects the true Messiah to perform at His coming, the second being to establish the Kingdom of Elohim over the commonwealth of Israel in the world to come (transliterated as the ‘Olam Haba’ in Hebrew). This understanding brought about a paradigm shift in what we used to believe, and what others such as Christianity and the Messianic Jews still hold to be true. As a result we came to the realization that as Yahshua explained in the parable of the prodigal son, we the remnant of the lost sheep of the house of Israel are in fact the prodigal son, who left the Father and lost our identity, language and faith and that the eldest son who remained with the Father throughout the past 3000 years is the house of Judah. Whereas groups like the World-wide Church of G-d and the Assemblies of YHVH believe that everybody including the house of Judah have to accept Yahshua Messiah as their personal Passover to be saved, we came to understand that because Jews always knew Elohim’s Torah and only need to repent and return to full Torah observance to inherit eternal life, as witnessed in Ezekiel 18: 23, as follows: “Do I have any pleasure in the death of the wicked,” declares YHVH Elohim, “rather than that he should turn from his ways and live?” Yahshua our Messiah also confirmed this when a Pharisee asked Him in Matthew 19: 16, saying: “Teacher (Rabbi in Hebrew) what good thing shall I do that I may obtain eternal life?” Yahshua answered him in verse 17, saying: “Why are you asking Me about what is good? There is only One who is good; but if you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments.”
However, a different principle or rule applies to those of us from the lost ten tribes who have even forgotten what sin is, since we were taught the falsehood that Messiah came to abolish the Torah, which as He confirmed in Matthew 5: 17 – 19[2], He did not do, but instead magnified the law in Matthew 5, 6 & 7 as was prophesied about Him in Isaiah 42: 21[3]. Because Jews obtain the Set-apart Spirit because of obedience as confirmed in Acts 5: 32, as follows: “And we are witnesses of these things; and so is the Set-apart Spirit, whom Elohim has given to those who obey Him.” We see later when some members of the lost sheep of the house of Israel ask Rav Kepha what they should do to likewise receive the Set-apart Spirit, Rav Kepha explained to them in Acts 2: 36 – 39, saying: “Therefore let all the house of Israel (all ten tribes) know for certain that Elohim has made Him both Master and Messiah—this Yahshua whom you crucified.” (37) Now when they heard this, they were pierced to the heart, and said to Kepha and the rest of the apostles, “Brethren, what shall we do (to receive the Set-apart Spirit)?” (38) And Kepha said to them, “Repent, and let each of you be immersed in the name of Yahshua Messiah for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Set-apart Spirit. (39) For the promise is for you and your children, and for all who are Far off[4], as many as Adonai our Elohim shall call to Himself (and not those from our friends and family that we want to be saved).” So it is clear, whereas Jews obtain the Set-apart Spirit by being obedient to Elohim and His Torah, we from the lost ten tribes who have forgotten what sin was, because we were taught that the Torah was not binding on us, since either Yahshua kept it for us, or abolished it, have to return to YHVH through the blood of Yahshua our Messiah and Savior and be immersed into His set apart name to obtain the Set-apart Spirit to eventually at Messiah’s return be resurrected to eternal life as He was, as Rav Shaul testified in Romans 8: 11, saying: ‘But if the Spirit of Him who raised Yahshua from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Messiah Yahshua from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who indwells you.’
In fact Rav Shaul confirms that the commonwealth of Israel consisting of the house of Israel and the house of Judah are reconciled through Yahshua as the congregation of YHVH or body of Messiah and together are growing into a holy temple as a dwelling place for Elohim, in Ephesians 2: 11 – 22, saying: ‘Therefore remember, that formerly you, the Gentiles in the flesh, who are called “Un-circumcision” by the so-called “Circumcision,” which is performed in the flesh by human hands— (12) remember that you were at that time separate from Messiah, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants (made with Abraham and David) of promise, having no hope and without Elohim in the world. (13) But now in Messiah Yahshua you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Messiah. (14) For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one, and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, (15) by abolishing in His flesh the enmity (punishment of the Law due to us for breaking Elohim’s commandments), which is the Law of commandments contained in ordinances (or judgments payable for transgressing the commandments and statutes), that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace, (16) and might reconcile them both in one body (the congregation of YHWH) to Elohim through the cross, by having put to death the enmity. (17) AND HE CAME AND PREACHED PEACE TO YOU WHO WERE FAR AWAY, AND PEACE TO THOSE WHO WERE NEAR; (18) For through Him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father. (19) So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of Elohim’s household, (20) having been built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Messiah Yahshua Himself being the corner stone, (21) in whom the whole building being fitted together is growing into a holy temple in the Master; (22) in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of Elohim in the Spirit.’ As more and more members of the house of Israel are returning to Elohim through Yahshua our Messiah and more are being taught about the final coming together with the house of Judah at Messiah’s return, we pray and asked our heavenly Father, that He will bring about what has been prophesied in our day.
Father we are fully aware that you are busy punishing the house of Israel through adverse weather conditions and natural disasters and even though many from the house of Israel are not even aware of it, because we have lost our identity and most came to believe that they are Gentiles, we pray that somehow you will wake our people up and ensure that the full number that You require to become your kings and priests under Messiah, will soon be called, so that the cut-off point is reached and the ones from the house of Israel together with our Torah observant Jewish Brothers will be ready as co-workers for the establishment of your coming Kingdom. Father this is a plea similar to that of our ancient forefathers, when they were held captive in Egypt. We ask that You hear our cry, since some of us are truly suffering under our taskmasters and cannot do anything about it, but call to you for help. We ask that you will supernaturally bring about what the Prophet Hosea recorded for us in Hosea 3: 1 – 5, saying: ‘Then YHVH said to me, “Go again, love a woman who is loved by her husband, yet an adulteress, even as YHVH loves the sons of Israel, though they turn to other gods and love raisin cakes.” (2) So I bought her for myself for fifteen shekels of silver and a homer and a half of barley. (3) Then I said to her, “You shall stay with me for many days. You shall not play the harlot, nor shall you have a man; so I will also be toward you.” (4) For the sons of Israel will remain for many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or sacred pillar, and without ephod or household idols. (5) Afterward the sons of Israel will return and seek YHVH their Elohim and David their king; and they will come trembling to YHVH and to His goodness in the last days.’
Father we know from prophecies given us by Yahshua the Messiah through Yochanan that Satan is the driving force of what is happening behind the scenes in our world at present, as Yochanan described in Revelation 13: 1 & 2, saying: And he stood on the sand of the seashore. And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns were ten diadems (crowns), and on his heads were blasphemous names. (2) And the beast which I saw was like a leopard, and his feet were like those of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority.’ Being familiar with the Scriptures we recall that these are the same characteristics that Daniel attributed to the ancient kingdoms of Greece, Persia and Babylon. In fact Yochanan tells us that there is a direct connection between these kingdoms and the kingdoms that Yahshua will destroy at his return. The ancient Babylonians were responsible for the destruction of the temple that King Solomon built, when they invaded and conquered the kingdom of Judah. We see from verse 2 quoted above, that it is Satan who will control the world’s final dictator. Satan’s agenda has always been to have an influence on the policies of those in charge of the governments of the world. Nevertheless, the end-time system described in Revelation represents more than just the political aspects of the control of the world, but also has strong religious support as witnessed in Revelation 13: 11 – 14, as follows: ‘And I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon. (12) And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence. And he makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed. (13) And he performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the presence of men. (14) And he deceives those who dwell on the earth because of the signs which it was given him to perform in the presence of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who had the wound of the sword and has come to life.’ It is clear that in addition to this system’s socio-political characteristics, it also has strong religious support. These verses describe a great religious deceiver, who is referred to as ‘the false prophet’ in Revelation 19: 20 and is none other than the leader of the present world’s false religious system.
The vision given Yochanan by Yahshua in Revelation 13: 15 – 18 shows that this leader’s influence will be immense, in this way: ‘And there was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast might even speak and cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed. (16) And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand, or on their forehead, (17) and he provides that no one should be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. (18) Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty six.’ By combining the force of his deceptive religious power with the socio-political influence of the first beast, the false prophet will be the one responsible for convincing humanity to accept and support this major influence in the world’s economic and political structure. All those who consent to this system will be enslaving themselves to this world ruling government. In the end, the merchants will assist in the effective functioning of the system, known as Babylon the Great, as revealed in Relation 17: 5, as follows: ‘And upon her forehead a name was written, a mystery, “BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.”’ We see from Revelation 18: 12 & 13, that they will trade in ‘cargoes of gold and silver and precious stones and pearls and fine linen and purple and silk and scarlet, and every kind of citron wood and every article of ivory and every article made from very costly wood and bronze and iron and marble, (13) and cinnamon and spice and incense and perfume and frankincense and wine and olive oil and fine flour and wheat and cattle and sheep, and cargoes of horses and chariots and slaves and human lives.’
But thankfully Yahshua our Messiah will put an end to mankind’s woes at His return, as we read from Revelation 19: 1 & 2, in this way: ‘After these things I heard, as it were, a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, “Halleluyah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our Elohim; (2) BECAUSE HIS JUDGMENTS ARE TRUE AND RIGHTEOUS; for He has judged the great harlot who was corrupting the earth with her immorality, and HE HAS AVENGED THE BLOOD OF HIS BOND-SERVANTS ON HER.”’ The economic, political and religious system introduced by ancient Babylon will finally be destroyed. At that time the merchants who profited from these things will stand at a distance because of the fear of her torment, as witnessed in Revelation 18: 16 – 19 , as follows: ‘saying, “Woe, woe, the great city, she who was clothed in fine linen and purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls; (17) for in one hour such great wealth has been laid waste!” And every shipmaster and every passenger and sailor, and as many as make their living by the sea, stood at a distance, (18) and were crying out as they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, ‘What city is like the great city?’ (19) And they threw dust on their heads and were crying out, weeping and mourning, saying, ‘Woe, woe, the great city, in which all who had ships at sea became rich by her wealth, for in one hour she has been laid waste!’
Immediately prior to the resurrection of the first fruits at Messiah’s return, Messiah will similar to the way Moses brought the ancient Israelites from slavery in Egypt, deliver the modern day descendants of Israel from the religious, political and economic confusion (Babylon), by which they were enslaved. We read accordingly from Jeremiah 23: 5 – 8, “Behold, the days are coming,” declares YHVH, “When I shall raise up for David a righteous Branch; and He will reign as king and act wisely and do justice and righteousness in the land. (6) In His days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell securely; and this is His name by which He will be called, ‘YHVH our righteousness.’ (7) Therefore behold, the days are coming,” declares YHVH, “when they will no longer say, ‘As YHVH lives, who brought up the sons of Israel from the land of Egypt,’ (8) but, ’as YHVH lives, who brought up and led back the descendants of the household of Israel from the north land and from all the countries where I had driven them.’ Then they will live on their own soil.” It is important to understand that this end time prophesy is directed at the ‘daughter’ of Babylon, as witnessed in Isaiah 47: 1, as follows: “Come down and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon; Sit on the ground without a throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans. For you shall no longer be called tender and delicate.” This is the daughter of Babylon of ancient times living in our day and age. As pictured in Revelation 17, this Babylon is the great whore sitting and ruling over many waters, interpreted in verse 15 as peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues.
Earlier in verse 5 of Revelation 17, Babylon was labeled as ‘a mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots’. Because a woman in prophecy is generally referred to as a religious or church system, this is the religion of ancient Babylon which has since grown to become great and ruling over many nations of different languages and is none other than Rome or Esau, who kept Jacob captive for the past 1800 years. Continuing in Isaiah 47, we read from verses 5 & 6, “Sit silently, and go into darkness, o daughter of the Chaldeans; for you will no more be called the queen of kingdoms. (6) I was angry with My people, I profaned My heritage, and gave them into your hand. You did not show mercy to them, on the aged you made your yoke very heavy.” The yoke of slavery was laid upon the lost ten tribes, and at this time it becomes clear that the great tribulation is the sevenfold intensive corrective punishment which Elohim is soon going to unleash on specifically Ephraim and Manasseh, better known as the English speaking nations of the world, but also include those who were previously part of the British commonwealth, such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Ezekiel describes this impending great tribulation, in chapter 5: 12 & 13, as follows: “One third of you will die by plague or be consumed by famine among you, one third will fall by the sword around you, and one third I will scatter to every wind, and I will unsheathe a sword behind them. (13) Thus My anger will be spent, and I will satisfy My wrath on them, and I shall be appeased; then they will know that I, YHVH, have spoken in My zeal when I have spent My wrath upon them.” We read more from Ezekiel 6: 6 about the punishment to be unleashed upon the latter day descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh, in this way: “In all your dwellings, cities will become waste and the high places (places of religious worship) will be desolate, that your altars may become waste and desolate, your idols may be broken and brought to an end, your incense altars may be cut down, and your works may be blotted out.” Those who saw films about Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan will understand that this is talking about nuclear war. Because our national sin is ever increasing, Elohim is warning us that there will soon be a day of reckoning. World War III will unleash terrible nuclear devastation on mainly the English speaking peoples of the world. This will simply be punishment to correct mainly the modern day descendants of both houses of Israel for our own good.
However, if we as individual believers in Yahshua repent and return to Elohim by obeying His Torah teachings fully, we will be protected during the coming great tribulation, as witnessed in Luke 21: 34 - 36, as follows: “Be on guard, that your hearts may not be weighted down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of life, and that day come on you suddenly like a trap; (35) for it will come upon all those who dwell on the face of all the earth. (36) But keep on alert at all times, praying in order that you may have strength to escape all these things that are about to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.” Only after Yahshua’s return will He permanently put an end to the world’s last experiment with this Babylonian political, religious and economic system. The suffering caused by lawlessness and debt will come to an end when Yahshua our Messiah starts ruling for a thousand years. Father YHVH we have come to a point that we believe in your salvation Yahshua. Knowing and trusting in your promises, we as the watchmen that you have appointed to remind you day and night to make Jerusalem a place of praise in the world, as you command us in Isaiah 62: 6 & 7, saying: ‘On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have appointed watchmen; all day and all night they will never keep silent. You who remind YHVH, take no rest for yourselves; (7) and give Him no rest until He establishes and makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.’ We come before you humbled by the things which occurred in the world during the past few years, knowing that it is not nearly as bad as the coming great tribulation will be, asking that you will bring about the many promises you made to us in numerous prophecies in the Tanach.
We are also aware that the current Israeli government authorities in control of the Jewish nation known as Israel in the Middle East, who serve foreign investment powers and special interest groups, are comparable to the Sadducees of Yahshua’s time. They destroy homes, farms and gardens of their fellow citizens while exchanging parts of the country to terrorist groups and enemies of the land for peace. They do this despite warnings by Rabbi’s who pointed out that the giving away of the Promised Land would only further endanger the lives of Israeli citizens and facilitate yet another terrorist group. It was the same Sadducees who were according to Matthew 27 the ones who ensured the arrest of Yahshua by getting Judas to betray him. They held a court session at night which was strictly forbidden by Pharisaic Law. They are also the ones who had Yahshua’s disciples arrested, as shown in Acts 5. Nazarene Judaism is a sect of the Pharisees or modern day Rabbinical Judaism (as per Acts 15: 5, Acts 24: 5 & 14) and we need to be careful when criticizing them. The only difference between us and the Pharisees is that we believe Yahshua to be the Messiah who came to bring us back to Elohim and our Jewish Brothers of today, namely Rabbinical Judaism. They are essentially our elder brother who remained near to the Father and we are the ones who are now being called by YHVH to return to the covenant we made with YHVH at Mount Sinai through Yahshua our Messiah, Abraham’s one seed, as described in Galatians 3. We know that the ultimate joining together of the house of Israel and the house of Judah will only occur after Messiah’s return to come and rule us from Jerusalem, when the city will truly become a praise in the world.
It is important for us to mention some of the main prophecies in which YHVH promised to re-gather a remnant as a reminder to Him to make Jerusalem a place of praise in the earth. We read a warning given by Zephaniah 2: 1 – 11 to the house of Israel, in this way: ‘Gather yourselves together, yes, gather, O nation without shame, (2) before the decree takes effect – the day passes like the chaff - before the burning anger of YHVH comes upon you, before the day of (YHVH)’s anger comes upon you. (3) Seek YHVH, all you humble of the earth who have carried out His ordinances; seek righteousness, seek humility. Perhaps you will be hidden in the day of (YHVH)’s anger. (4) For Gaza will be abandoned, and Ashkelon a desolation; Ashdod will be driven out at noon, and Ekron will be uprooted. (5) Woe to the inhabitants of the seacoast, the nation of the Cherethites! The word of YHVH is against you, O Canaan, land of the Philistines; and I will destroy you, so that there will be no inhabitant. (6) So the seacoast will be pastures, with caves for shepherds and folds for flocks. (7) And the coast will be for the remnant of the house of Judah, they will pasture on it. In the houses of Ashkelon they will lie down at evening; for YHVH their Elohim will care for them and restore their fortune. (8) I have heard the taunting of Moab and the revilings of the sons of Ammon, with which they have taunted My people and become arrogant against their territory. (9) “Therefore, as I live,” declares YHVH of Hosts, the Elohim of Israel, “Surely Moab will be like Sodom, and the sons of Ammon like Gomorrah – a place possessed by nettles and salt pits, and a perpetual desolation. The remnant of My people will plunder them, and the remainder of My nation will inherit them.” (10) This they will have in return for their pride, because they have taunted and become arrogant against the people of YHVH of hosts. (11) YHVH will be terrifying to them, for He will starve all the gods of the earth; and all the coastlands of the nations will bow down to Him everyone from his own place.’
We see further from Zephaniah 3: 9 – 20 that the remnant from the house of Israel in South Africa are also warned, but it is encouraging to see that a humble few of them will be saved with the remnant from the other lost tribes in the world, as follows: ‘“For then I will give to the peoples purified lips, that all of them may call on the name of YHVH, to serve Him shoulder to shoulder. (10) From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia My worshipers, My dispersed ones, will bring My offerings. (11) In that day you will feel no shame because of all your deeds by which you have rebelled against Me; for then I will remove from your midst your proud, exulting ones, and you will never be haughty again on My holy mountain. (12) But I will leave among you a humble and lowly people, and they will take refuge in the name of YHVH. (13) The remnant of Israel will do no wrong and tell no lies, nor will a deceitful tongue be found in their mouths; for they shall feed and lie down with no one to make them tremble. (14) Shout for joy, O daughter of Zion! Shout in triumph, O Israel! Rejoice and exult with all your heart, O daughter of Jerusalem! (15) YHVH has taken away His judgments against you, He has cleared away your enemies. The King of Israel, YHVH is in your midst; you will fear disaster no more. (16) In that day it will be said to Jerusalem; do not be afraid, O Zion; do not let your hands fall limp. (17) YHVH your Elohim is in your midst, a victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy. (18) I will gather those who grieve about the appointed feasts – they came from you, O Zion; the reproach of exile is a burden on them. (19) Behold, I am going to deal at that time with all your oppressors, I will save the lame and gather the outcast, and I will turn their shame into praise and renown in all the earth. (20) At that time I will bring you in, even at the time when I gather you together; indeed, I give you renown and praise among all the peoples of the earth, when I restore your fortunes before your eyes,” says YHVH.’
We also have the assurance that our captivity by Esau or Rome will come to an end, when Elohim’s kingdom will finally come, as prophesied by Obadiah in Obadiah 15 – 21, in this way: “For the day of YHVH draws near on all the nations. As you have done, it will be done to you. Your dealings will return on your own head. (16) Because just as you drank on My holy mountain, all the nations will drink continually. They will drink and swallow, and become as if they had never existed. (17) But on Mount Zion there will be those who escape, and it will be holy. And the house of Jacob will possess their possessions. (18) Then the house of Jacob will be a fire and the house of Joseph a flame; but the house of Esau will be as stubble. And they will set them on fire and consume them, so that there will be no survivor of the house of Esau. For YHVH has spoken. (19) Then those of the Negev will possess the mountain of Esau, and those of the Shephelah the Philistine plain; also, they will possess the territory of Ephraim and the territory of Samaria, and Benjamin will possess Gilead. (20) And the exiles of this host of the sons of Israel, who are among the Canaanites as far as Zarephath (France), and the exiles of Jerusalem who are in Sepharad (Spain) will possess the cities of the Negev. (21) The deliverers will ascend Mount Zion to judge the mountain of Esau, and the kingdom will be (YHVH)’s.” Father we ask that you speed the day when you will bring the two houses of Israel together, to rule them as the Kingdom of Elohim over Israel. Amein and Amein!
[1] Jeremiah 31: 10 & 11: ‘Hear the word of YHVH, O nations, and declare in the coastlands afar off, and say, “He who scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him as a shepherd keeps his flock.” For YHVH has ransomed Jacob, and redeemed him from the hand of him who was stronger than he (meaning Esau or the Roman Church who took Jacob captive for the past 1800 years).’
[2] Matthew 5: 17 – 19: “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill. For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass away from the Law, until all is accomplished. Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and so teaches others, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”
[3] Isaiah 42: 21,’YHVH was pleased for His righteousness’ sake to make the law great and glorious.’
[4] The phrase ‘Far off’ means the house of Israel who were scattered into the world because of idolatry, as coined by the Prophet Daniel in his prayer for the commonwealth of Israel to return to Elohim in Daniel 9: 7,saying: “Righteousness belongs to Thee, O Adonai, but to us open shame, as it is this day—to the men of Judah, the inhabitants of Jerusalem, those who are nearby and all Israel who are far away in all the countries to which Thou hast driven them, because of their unfaithful deeds which they have committed against Thee.”