
Nazarene Israelite Two House Congregation of Port Elizabeth
The Gospel of the Kingdom of Elohim.
Yahshua our Messiah revealed His primary purpose for coming to earth to His disciples in Matthew 10: 5 – 7, in this way: ‘These twelve Yahshua sent out after instructing them, saying, “Do not go in the way of the Gentiles, and do not enter any city of the Samaritans; (6) but rather go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. (7) And as you go, “preach, saying, the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”’ By the time Yahshua came to earth the first time, the house of Israel was taken into captivity more than 700 years earlier and was already on their way to be dispersed throughout the nations of the world. They became part of the nations into which they were scattered and have forgotten their language, culture and the covenant they made with Elohim, together with the house of Judah at Mount Sinai. After Yahshua’s resurrection and before His ascension to heaven, He therefore commissioned His disciples (and by extension also us, His modern day disciples), in Matthew 28: 18 – 20, saying: “All authority (the KJV reads: power) has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. (19) Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, immersing them in the name (singular) of the Father and the Son and the Set-apart Spirit, (20) teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”’ In addition Yahshua told His disciples in Mark 16: 15, saying: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” The reason for His disciples (or students) having to preach the good news into the entire world was obviously to reach members of the lost ten tribes literally spread world-wide, and are even more so during the latter days.
The question at this point is: what is the true gospel? Is the gospel the same ‘gospel’ proclaimed by most Christian churches today, namely John 3: 16, as follows: “For Elohim so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” This is indeed good news, but it is definitely not the Gospel as proclaimed by Yahshua our Messiah. Every time the word gospel (or good news) is used in the Scriptures it is associated with the coming Kingdom of Elohim. Now, there is a great deal of confusion regarding the ‘concept’ Kingdom of Elohim. Some hold that the Kingdom of Elohim simply means that YHVH rules in the hearts of true believers whilst others believe that since in places in the Renewed Covenant, it is referred to as the Kingdom of heaven, it means that after death believers simply go to heaven, to spend eternity there beholding the face of Elohim. However, Yahshua gives us a clue about the Kingdom of Elohim in the model prayer that He gave in Matthew 6, and specifically in verses 9 & 10, saying: “Pray, then, in this way: ‘Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. (10) Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”’ Our Father’s will is already done in heaven and His Kingdom already exists there, but we need to pray for it to come down to earth. But why do we want Elohim’s will and kingdom to come down to earth? Most of us are aware that after 6000 years of mankind’s attempt to rule the earth without any involvement of Elohim, we have shown ourselves to be incapable of solving even the smallest problems facing mankind at present, and even though most don’t realize it, we desperately need Elohim to personally intervene to save us from ourselves.
Apart from the prayer Messiah taught His original disciples, we also read the prophecy in Daniel about four major world empires depicted by the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream that will rule the world from Nebuchadnezzar’s time until the end of days, when Messiah will return to put an end to their rulership and start ruling the world for ever, as Daniel explained to Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 2: 44 & 45, saying: “And in the days of those kings the Elohim of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed, and that kingdom will not be left for another people; it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, but it will itself endure forever. (45) Inasmuch as you saw that a stone was cut out of the mountain without hands and that it crushed the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold, the great Elohim has made known to the king what will take place in the future; so the dream is true, and its interpretation is trustworthy.” King Solomon who is according to the Scriptures one of the wisest men who ever lived, revealed a truism for us which not many today believe, in Proverbs 2: 21 & 22 saying: ‘For the upright will live in the land, and the blameless will remain in it; (22) but the wicked will be cut off from the land, and the treacherous will be uprooted from it.” This is confirmed in Psalm 115: 16, as follows: ‘The heavens are the heavens of YHVH; but the earth He has given to the sons of men.’ From this we understand that mankind is assigned to dwell on earth. But, how does this correlate with the idea that good people go to heaven at death? According to 1 Peter 1: 4 our inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, is reserved for us in heaven. However, notice carefully, it does not mean that we need to go there to get our inheritance. It is simply reserved for us in heaven, similar to the way a Swiss bank account is used to keep money safe, for use at a later stage.
After Yahshua’s immersion by Yochanan the Immerser, the Spirit impelled Him to go into the wilderness for forty days, being tempted by Satan. Then after Yochanan the Immerser was taken into custody, Yahshua came into Galilee preaching the gospel of Elohim. Yes, here is the true gospel of Elohim being preached by Yahshua Messiah, at the very beginning of His three and a half year ministry, as recorded in Mark 1:15, as follows: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of Elohim is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.” Yahshua was very serious regarding preaching about the coming Kingdom of Elohim, as we read from Luke 4: 43, in this way: ‘But He said to them, “I must preach the kingdom of Elohim to the other cities also, for I was sent for this purpose.”’ Before YHVH entered into a covenant with the Israelites at Mount Sinai, after taking them out of captivity in Egypt and leading them to the Promised Land by the hand of Moses, He told them that they are to be to Him a royal priesthood, a holy or Set-apart nation, to show the rest of the world how to live in peace and prosperity by obeying and serving Him, the Creator and sustainer of the universe. The reason for so doing was that YHVH the Elohim of Israel, planned to come and dwell among His people to provide for and protect them, from the time of their exodus from Egypt (Exodus 19: 5 & 6). So it is clear therefore that the Good News or Gospel of Elohim’s coming Kingdom on earth, was actually introduced before Messiah’s earthly life. It is called an ‘eternal gospel’ in Revelation 14: 6 and we see in Hebrews 4: 2 that the Gospel was preached to ancient Israel, as follows: “For indeed we have had good news preached to us, just as they also; but the word they heard did not profit them, because it was not united by faith in those who heard.” The gospel was also preached to Abraham as we read from Galatians 3: 8, in this way: “And the Scripture, foreseeing that Elohim would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, ’ALL THE NATIONS SHALL BE BLESSED IN YOU.’”
The Good News about the glorious future of mankind has been (YHVH)’s plan from the beginning. It was proclaimed to King David and He wrote about the kingdom of Elohim in Psalm 145: 10 – 13 saying: “All Thy works shall give thanks to Thee, O YHVH, and Thy faithful (godly) ones shall bless Thee. (11) They shall speak of the esteem (glory) of Thy Kingdom, and talk of Thy power; (12) to make known to the sons of men Thy mighty acts, and the glory of the majesty of Thy kingdom. (13) Thy Kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and Thy dominion endures throughout all generations.” Daniel knew about the coming kingdom of Elohim as recorded for us in Daniel 7: 27, in this way: “Then the sovereignty, the dominion, and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole earth will be given to the people of the saints of the Highest One; His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all the dominions will serve and obey Him.” Yahshua’s followers in the Scriptures also preached about the Kingdom of Elohim; in Matthew 3: 2 Yochanan the Immerser announced that “the kingdom of Heaven is at hand”. Rav Kepha (Peter) also spoke about the Kingdom of Elohim in 2 Peter 1: 10 & 11, as follows: ‘Therefore, brethren, be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choosing you; for as long as you practice these things, you will never stumble; (11) for in this way the entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Master and Savior Yahshua Messiah will be abundantly supplied to you.’ We also read about Phillip’s message in Acts 8: 12 in this way: “But when they believed Phillip preaching the good news about the kingdom of Elohim and the name of Yahshua Messiah, they were being immersed, men and women alike.”
There is not one single verse in the Scriptures that says, human beings will go to heaven, when they die. In fact Yahshua confirmed this in John 3: 13, saying: “And no one has ascended into heaven, but He who descended from heaven, even the Son of Man.” Yes, we see set-apart people from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, which come out of the great tribulation; that washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, with palm branches in their hands in Revelation 7. We also see a sea of glass mixed with fire, and those who came victorious from the beast and from the image of the beast, standing on the sea of glass, holding harps of Elohim, and they sang the song of Moses and of the Lamb in Revelation 15. Next we read from Revelation 17: 14, the Lamb overcoming the beast and those who are in support of him; and those who are with the Lamb are the called, the chosen and the faithful. This is in fact confirmed in Zechariah 14: 4 – 9, where we read about Yahshua’s return to earth to rule the world from Jerusalem, when He will bring His set-apart ones with Him, as follows: ‘And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which is in front of Jerusalem on the east; and the Mount of Olives will be split in its middle from east to west by a very large valley, so that half of the mountain will move toward the north and the other half toward the south. (5) And you will flee by the valley of My mountains, for the valley of the mountains will reach to Azel; yes, you will flee just as you flee before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Then YHVH, my Elohim, will come, and all the set-apart ones with Him! (6) And it will come about in that day that there will be no light; the luminaries will dwindle. (7) For it will be a unique day which is known to YHVH, neither day nor night, but it will come about that at evening time there will be light. (8) And it will come about in that day that living waters will flow out of Jerusalem, half of them toward the eastern sea and the other half toward the western sea; it will be in summer as well as in winter. (9) And YHVH will be king over all the earth; in that day YHVH will be the only one, and His name the only one.’
So we see that when Yahshua returns one day, His elect will return to earth with Him to set-up His Kingdom for a thousand years, as recorded in Revelation 5: 10, in this way: “And Thou hast made them to be a kingdom and priests to our Elohim; and they will reign upon the earth.” A second witness to this may be found in Revelation 20: 6, as follows: ‘Blessed and set-apart is the one who has a part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no power, but they will be priests of Elohim and of Messiah and will reign with Him for a thousand years.’ After the thousand year reign of Yahshua Messiah and His spiritual team of first-fruits, Satan will be loosed once more; he will again deceive the nations which are at the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for the war. They will surround the camp of the saints in Jerusalem, but fire will come down from heaven and devour them, and Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire, where he will be tormented day and night forever and ever. After the great white throne judgment, death and the grave; and anyone whose name is not found written in the book of life, will be thrown into the lake of fire. Then at the end of the age, we see that Elohim will bring His abode with Him to come and dwell with us here on earth, as we read from Revelation 21: 1 – 3 in this way: ‘And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea. (2) And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from Elohim, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband. (3) And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of Elohim is among men, and He shall dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and Elohim Himself shall be among them.’
Even so, we need to backtrack to immediately prior to where Yahshua proclaimed, ‘the kingdom of Elohim is at hand’. At that time, Yochanan the Immerser was send in the spirit of Elijah, as prophesied in Isaiah 40: 3 and as he said in John 1: 23, to: ‘MAKE STRAIGHT THE WAY OF YHVH,’ and to make a suitable place for Him who is set-apart to walk on the earth which became defiled. We see from Deuteronomy 23: 14 that Elohim will turn away from us if we are defiled, in this way: “Since YHVH your Elohim walks in the midst of your camp to deliver you and to defeat your enemies before you, therefore your camp must be holy; and He must not see anything indecent among you lest He turn away from you.” Heaven is Elohim’s habitation, as is confirmed in Deuteronomy 26: 15, as follows: ‘Look down from Thy Set-apart habitation, from heaven, and bless Thy people Israel, and the ground which Thou hast given us, a land flowing with milk and honey, as Thou didst swear to our fathers.’ When YHVH told Moses to build a Tabernacle, which means ‘a dwelling place’ for Him, He told Moses to ensure that he built everything strictly according to the pattern, that He has shown him, as we read from Exodus 25: 9, in this way: “According to all that I am going to show you, as the pattern of the tabernacle and the pattern of all its furniture, just so you shall construct it.” The tabernacle in the wilderness and the Temple that Solomon built had to be exact copies as they were replicas of Elohim’s dwelling place in heaven, as we read from Hebrews 8: 1 - 5, as follows: ‘Now the main point in what has been said is this; we have such a high priest, who has taken His seat at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, (2) a minister in the sanctuary, and in the true tabernacle, which YHVH pitched, not man. (3) For every high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices; hence it is necessary that this high priest also have something to offer. (4) Now if He were on earth, He would not be a priest at all, since there are those who offer the gifts according to the Law; (5) who serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things, just as Moses was warned by Elohim when he was about to erect the tabernacle; for, “SEE,” He says, “THAT YOU MAKE all things ACCORDING TO THE PATTERN WHICH WAS SHOWN YOU ON THE MOUNTAIN.”’
When King Solomon erected the Temple, which was a more permanent pattern of the heavenly Tabernacle, he recognized that this is what YHVH promised in 2 Chronicles 6: 1 & 2, in this way: ‘Then Solomon said, “YHVH has said that He would dwell in the thick cloud. (2) I have built Thee a lofty house, and a place for Thy dwelling forever.”’ Solomon’s kingdom was in fact a foretaste of Elohim’s coming Kingdom. However, we know that Solomon allowed his many foreign wives to bring idolatry into Israel, consisting of both houses of Judah and Israel. As a result YHVH split the united nation of Israel in two separate kingdoms. The name ‘Israel’ remained with the ten tribes given to Jeroboam, and ‘Judah’ was given to Rehoboam, who caused the rift because he would not lighten the burdens of his subjects, as is recorded for us in 1 Kings 12: 13 & 14, as follows: ‘And the king answered the people harshly, for he forsook the advice of the elders which they had given him, (14) and he spoke to them according to the advice of the young men, saying, “My father made your yoke heavy, but I will add to your yoke; my father disciplined you with whips, but I will discipline you with scorpions.”’ Since Jeroboam was from the tribe of Ephraim, ‘Ephraim’ became the ‘nom de plume’ of the ten tribes of Israel or the Northern Kingdom. We know that Ephraim’s namesake one of Joseph’s sons, was adopted by Jacob who put him in the position of his own firstborn son (as per Genesis 48). Jacob also specifically said in Genesis 48: 16, ‘The angel who has redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; and may my name (Israel) live on in them (Ephraim and Manasseh), and the names of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and may they grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth.’ We see further that YHVH also calls Ephraim His first-born in Jeremiah 31: 9, as follows: “With weeping they shall come, and by supplication I will lead them; I will make them walk by streams of waters, on a straight path in which they shall not stumble; for I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is My first-born.” So we see that the kingdom that used to be called Israel was now known as Ephraim.
But we are again ahead of the story, so, let’s backtrack a bit. We return to the account of Jeroboam and see that he was the direct cause for the eventual captivity and scattering of the nation throughout the world. Jeroboam was afraid that if the Israelites living in the Northern Kingdom were allowed to return to Jerusalem annually to observe the Feast Days of Elohim, they would return to King Rehoboam and be united with the Southern Kingdom again. So Jeroboam took the liberty of setting up alternatives to the Temple in Jerusalem, by building two temples, one in Dan and the other in Bethel, as we read from 1 Kings 12: 28 – 32, in this way: ‘So the king consulted, and made two golden calves, and he said to them, “It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem; behold your gods, O Israel, that brought you up from the land of Egypt.” (29) And he set one in Bethel, and the other he put in Dan. (30) Now this thing became a sin, for the people went to worship before the one as far as Dan. (31) And he made houses on high places, and made priests from among all the people who were not of the sons of Levi. (32) And Jeroboam instituted a feast in the eighth month on the fifteenth day of the month, like the feast which is in Judah, and he went up to the altar; thus he did in Bethel, sacrificing to the calves which he had made. And he stationed in Bethel the priests of the high places which he had made.’ Because Ephraim wanted to be like the nations around them, YHVH eventually scattered them throughout the world, as we read from Hosea 8: 8, as follows: ‘Israel is swallowed up; they are now among the nations like a vessel in which no one delights.’ Eventually Judah was also taken captive, but they returned back to Jerusalem and the land of Israel 70 years later. Israel or Ephraim lost their identity, their language and their culture, but Judah who repented and returned to the Land, continue to obey the Torah of Elohim, including the festivals and the Sabbath. Even though these events were far from ideal, it was Elohim’s doing, as we read from 1 Kings 12: 15, in this way: ‘So the king did not listen to the people; for it was a turn of events from YHVH, that He might establish His word, which YHVH spoke through Ahijah the Shilonite to Jeroboam the son of Nebat.’ However, we read from Romans 8: 28, ‘And we know that Elohim causes all things to work together for good to those who love Elohim, to those who are called according to His purpose.’ It is as Joseph told his brothers in Genesis 50: 19 & 20, saying: “Do not be afraid, for am I in Elohim’s place? (20) And as for you, you meant evil against me, but Elohim meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.”
Despite Ephraim’s long estrangement from YHVH, Israel’s calling was still irrevocable, as we read from Romans 11: 29, ‘For the gifts and the calling of Elohim are irrevocable.’ This fellow believer affects you and me and gives a whole new perspective to what the true Gospel really is. In Genesis 48: 19 our father Jacob said that Ephraim’s seed would become ‘a multitude of nations’. Reading from Romans 11, we find that Rav Shaul fully understood why Judah is blinded to the identity of Yahshua in verse 25 & 26, saying: ‘For I do not want you, brethren, to be uninformed of this mystery, lest you be wise in your own estimation (many of those called at this time, are even at this time unaware of Yahshua’s main purpose – the reason being that they always want to work things out for themselves, rather than accepting the word of Elohim), that a partial hardening has happened to Israel (In this case meaning Judah – as may be seen from verse 1) until the fullness of the Gentiles (those Israelites who believe that they are Gentiles and a few genuine Gentiles) has come in; (26) and thus all Israel will be saved; just as it is written, “THE DELIVERER WILL COME FROM ZION, HE WILL REMOVE UNGODLINESS FROM JACOB.” Notice, that even though our fathers in the faith went, or sent messengers to other countries to find brides for them and their children, they were still from the same family. Yahshua’s future foreign bride will also be from the seed of Abraham and therefore not totally foreign, after all. Most of those responsive to the Gospel at this stage are ‘Gentiles’ only in a secondary sense. Even so, we read from Galatians 3: 29, ‘(And) if you belong to Messiah, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise.’
Yahshua’s apostles knew that the Kingdom of Elohim is the same thing as the Kingdom of Israel, and 40 days after His resurrection, just prior to His ascension to heaven, they came together asking Him in Acts 1: 6, saying: “Master, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?” After Yahshua told them that they will soon receive the Set-apart Spirit and that they will witness about Him, in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth, He was lifted up in a cloud, in their sight and as they were gazing into the sky two angels told them that Yahshua will one day return the same way as He left. Even so, the point is that Yahshua’s apostles were totally aware of what His mission was. They knew that Messiah came specifically to bring back the nation of Israel and then to reconcile them back to Judah and Elohim, as Rav Shaul explained in Ephesians 2: 11 – 22, and specifically in verse 12 – 16, as follows: ‘remember that you were at that time separate from Messiah, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without Elohim in the world. (13) But now in Messiah Yahshua you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Messiah. (14) For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one, and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, (15) by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, which is the Law of commandments contained in ordinances, that in Himself He might make the two (nations) into one new man, thus establishing peace, (16) and might reconcile them both in one body to Elohim through the cross, by it having put to death the enmity.’
Because of what Yahshua has already done for those of us whom He reconciled back to the Father, we are already a kingdom of priests, as Rav Kepha witnessed in 1 Peter 2: 5 – 10, saying: ‘You also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to Elohim through Yahshua Messiah. (6) For this is contained in Scripture: ‘BEHOLD I LAY IN ZION A CHOICE STONE, A PRECIOUS CORNER stone, AND HE WHO BELIEVES IN HIM SHALL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED.” (7) This precious value, then, is for you who believe. But for those who disbelieve, “THE STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS REJECTED, THIS BECAME THE VERY CORNER stone,” (8) and, “A STONE OF STUMBLING AND A ROCK OF OFFENSE”; for they stumble because they are disobedient to the word, and to this doom they were also appointed. (9) But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR Elohim’s OWN POSSESSION, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; (10) for you once were NOT A PEOPLE, but now you are THE PEOPLE OF ELOHIM; you had NOT RECEIVED MERCY, but now you have RECEIVED MERCY.’ It is for this reason that we already wear priestly garlands (a peer shaped head covering worn by priests) as prescribed for the priests in ancient Israel in Exodus 28: 40 & 29: 9. The Apostles were expressly commissioned to preach the good news of the coming Kingdom of Elohim until the return of our Master and as Prophesied in Zechariah 12: 7 – 10, He will return to save the tents of Judah first (verse 7). It is at that time that they will see His hands and He will pour on the House of David and on Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and of supplication (verse 10). They will mourn when they see His hands and accept Him as their savior, at which time the dead in Messiah will be resurrected as Rav Shaul also indicated in Romans 11: 15, saying: ‘For if their rejection be the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?’ After (YHVH)’s feet touch down on the Mount of Olives (as witnessed in Zechariah 14), the Kingdom of Elohim will be established on earth, as it is now in heaven. However, until that imminent day we are commanded to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom, as Yahshua taught in Matthew 24: 14, in this way: ‘And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, and then the end shall come.’ Like the original apostles, we are sent to teach returning Israelites about the way of Elohim and His coming kingdom.
We read from Isaiah 52: 7, ‘How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who announces peace and brings good news of happiness, who announces salvation, and says to Zion, “Your Elohim reigns!”’ These same words are repeated in Nahum 1: 15, as follows: ‘Behold, on the mountains the feet of him who brings good news, who announces peace!’ But we read further from verse 15 of Nahum 1, “Celebrate your feasts, O Judah; pay your vows. For never again will the wicked one pass through you; he is cut off completely.” Only by keeping the Feast Days of Elohim, according to the calendar ordained by Judah, could the plan of Elohim come to fruition and the Gospel retain its proper focus. Yes, the Good news about the coming Kingdom of Elohim is linked to the Feast Days of Elohim, given in Leviticus 23 and Deuteronomy 16, as they teach us the details of what Yahshua came (and will again come) to accomplish. YHVH also used the Prophet Isaiah to prophecy about Messiah’s main purpose in Isaiah 49: 5 & 6, saying: ‘And now says YHVH, who formed Me from the womb to be His Servant, to bring Jacob back to Him, in order that Israel might be gathered to Him (For I am honored in the sight of YHVH, and My Elohim is My strength). (6) He says, “It is too small a thing that You (Yahshua) should be My servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved ones of Israel (the remnant of called out ones or Nazarenes); I will also make You a light of the nations so that My salvation may reach to the end of the earth.” Yahshua confirmed His primary purpose for coming to earth when He explained to the Canaanite woman who asked Him to heal her demon-possessed daughter, saying in Matthew 15: 24, saying: “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” The reason for Yahshua having to bring the two houses of Israel together into one united commonwealth of Israel is because the Kingdom of Elohim over Israel cannot become a reality without both houses being present and a descendant of King David ruling them once again.
We conclude by reading a prophecy about Yahshua’s return from Hosea 5: 15 – 6: 1 - 3, in this way: ‘I will go away and return to My place until they acknowledge their guilt and seek My face; in their affliction (tribulation) they will earnestly seek Me. (1) Come, let us return to YHVH. For He has torn us, but He will heal us; He has wounded us, but He will bandage us. (2) He will revive us after two days (two thousand years after He left); He will raise (resurrect or change) us up on the third day that we may live before Him. (3) So let us know, let us press on to know YHVH. His going forth is as certain as the dawn; and He will come to us like the rain, like the spring rain watering the earth.”’ Yes, let’s return to Elohim and His way, and proclaim the good news about His coming kingdom into the entire world, then the end of this present evil age shall come. Halleluyah!